Monday, September 3, 2012


This craziness happened September 13, 2012 and now I am laughing about it... almost a year later.
Wow! It has been a while, but today was one of those days when I shook my head so much, I should have been sitting on the dash of someone's Mustang. (bobble head, for those of you not reading my mind)
This is how my day went down...
The "plan" (and I use the term loosely) was simple. I was going to the grocery store and taking Emily and Allie with me. During the get ready process, they continued to test my patience, being slow and fighting with each other. They were warned to behave or stay home.
After what seemed like forever, we are now ready and I notice Allie has made her way behind the couch, which means that she has found some nail polish or markers OR that my potty training 2 year old has pooped her pants. It was the last one. By the time I fight to get her out and changed, I realize it is lunch time. I may as well feed them first. Of course, they want noodles, which apparently takes 45 minutes to eat. Finally, we are about ready to head out again when I smell it... again. Yes, Allie's homemade air freshener. That little trick earned her some home time with dad. Now, it is just me and Emily.
Made it into the store, getting things marked off my list, and was elbow deep in birthday cards, when I hear, "Mommy, I didn't poop!". I turned around to see my horrified 5 year old, who has just had her first sharting experience. (If "sharting" offends you, pretend I didn't say it. If you don't know what it is, Trying not to let the entire card isle in on what's happening in my area, we zoom to the bathroom for damage control. For the next 30 minutes, I'm enjoying the inside of a public restroom stall, with people jiggling the handle every 5 minutes. Seriously, could they not see our feet?
Hello Kitty draws, trashed. Hands, scrubbed. Let's go shopping!
But now, I'm pooped! Just sayin.