Friday, October 28, 2011

10 Things you can do instead of being in someone's business...

We are all guilty of minding someone's business at one time or another. If you say you aren't, you are either lying or deserve a halo (let me know who you are so I can place an order).

So... here is a list of things we can do instead.

1. Call your Grandmother (or equivalent).

2. Make a shopping list. (btw... check out the app for this called "Out of Milk" <aWeSoMe!)

3. Get some Orbit.

4. Write a blog. (or read one)
5. Text someone an encouraging message.

6. Drink a(nother) cup of coffee.

7.  Bake something pretty and share it with someone.

8. Facebook, nicely.

9. Do some sit ups. (It's hard to talk when you are out of breath.) 

10. (my new addiction)

Okay, I am being retarded, but my point is: YOU HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO.

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