Monday, September 3, 2012


This craziness happened September 13, 2012 and now I am laughing about it... almost a year later.
Wow! It has been a while, but today was one of those days when I shook my head so much, I should have been sitting on the dash of someone's Mustang. (bobble head, for those of you not reading my mind)
This is how my day went down...
The "plan" (and I use the term loosely) was simple. I was going to the grocery store and taking Emily and Allie with me. During the get ready process, they continued to test my patience, being slow and fighting with each other. They were warned to behave or stay home.
After what seemed like forever, we are now ready and I notice Allie has made her way behind the couch, which means that she has found some nail polish or markers OR that my potty training 2 year old has pooped her pants. It was the last one. By the time I fight to get her out and changed, I realize it is lunch time. I may as well feed them first. Of course, they want noodles, which apparently takes 45 minutes to eat. Finally, we are about ready to head out again when I smell it... again. Yes, Allie's homemade air freshener. That little trick earned her some home time with dad. Now, it is just me and Emily.
Made it into the store, getting things marked off my list, and was elbow deep in birthday cards, when I hear, "Mommy, I didn't poop!". I turned around to see my horrified 5 year old, who has just had her first sharting experience. (If "sharting" offends you, pretend I didn't say it. If you don't know what it is, Trying not to let the entire card isle in on what's happening in my area, we zoom to the bathroom for damage control. For the next 30 minutes, I'm enjoying the inside of a public restroom stall, with people jiggling the handle every 5 minutes. Seriously, could they not see our feet?
Hello Kitty draws, trashed. Hands, scrubbed. Let's go shopping!
But now, I'm pooped! Just sayin.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy (Nothing's) New Year!

Don't let this be you! Yes, there isn't much different about today... it is the same as yesterday... unless you change your mind. Get your mind right. Change the way you think, feel, and act in 2012. Make up your mind to eliminate the negative in your life this year. And if you are one who has someone else to blame for your life not being what you'd like it to be, face the mirror and say: I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO CONTROLS MY THOUGHTS, MY FEELINGS, AND MY ACTIONS. I CANNOT PUT THAT RESPONSIBILITY ON ANYONE ELSE. HOW CAN 'I' CHANGE TODAY TO MAKE MY LIFE COUNT?
One day at a time, realize that you can control what you do in your life. If you really want something, figure out the steps it will take to get it. If you really don't, you will find a hundred excuses why you cannot make your own life better.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What becomes of the Broken Hearted?

Letting a bad experience keep you from living again is like letting a bad meal keep you from eating again.

If you have been broken-hearted, then you know the physical pain it can cause. Whether it be from a relationship, a church, a family member, the pain can be almost unbearable.

Take some time to heal, realizing that all of the pains in life are learning experiences. If you let it linger, the bitterness will take control, steal your joy, and ruin new experiences for you. Bad times help us appreciate the good ones so much more.

I am speaking from experience, so if you say it is too hard to overcome or too hard to forgive, I am telling you... It can be done. You have to want it more than you want to see someone else “pay” for the hurt they have caused you.

Just Let Go.                            Rainbow over Alaska :)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Let's Be Real...

The person who wrote the song "Easy like Sunday morning" obviously wasn't taking his family to Church. Ever have one of those mornings where everything is great, then you get out of bed?

So... waking up to a snow covered everything yesterday morning was definitely a temptation to just stay home. It was the first real "enough to play in it" snow. Though, my thoughts were leaning toward hanging out at the house, my husband's were leaning toward going to church. He was right, so we were going. Sometimes, I need that push out the door when it isn't the easier thing to do.

Then the fun started. This is when one thing after another started to happen, to delay our actually getting out the door to go. In short, the girls were ready until they ran out to make snow angels (without our knowledge) and came back in soaking wet. First, they were staying home. Then, so was I. Then, I wasn't and Larry was. Then, no one was going. Then, the irritation rose to a level of "What the heck is even happening here?". Then, it hit me... There is some crazy reason we are having a hard time getting to church today. So, to the devil I said, "You won't win!" We were ALL going, and arrived at church 7 minutes late, with clean, dry clothes, a big sigh, and smiles on our faces. Well, most of us. My Mom's face wasn't so smiley after her fingers were shut in the car door. Ouch!

We aren't perfect, we are real. When you seem to be struggling to do something you need to do, take a step forward and fight your way in.

Friday, October 28, 2011

10 Things you can do instead of being in someone's business...

We are all guilty of minding someone's business at one time or another. If you say you aren't, you are either lying or deserve a halo (let me know who you are so I can place an order).

So... here is a list of things we can do instead.

1. Call your Grandmother (or equivalent).

2. Make a shopping list. (btw... check out the app for this called "Out of Milk" <aWeSoMe!)

3. Get some Orbit.

4. Write a blog. (or read one)
5. Text someone an encouraging message.

6. Drink a(nother) cup of coffee.

7.  Bake something pretty and share it with someone.

8. Facebook, nicely.

9. Do some sit ups. (It's hard to talk when you are out of breath.) 

10. (my new addiction)

Okay, I am being retarded, but my point is: YOU HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

I miss being a girl.

Those who know me from "way back when" could tell you how they would have never imagined me wearing an Army uniform. I was the girl who tanned year round (although my friend, Amy advised against it, daily), never had unpainted toenails, and wouldn't even check the mail without being in makeup and "proper" attire.

Seeing pretty faces and cute outfits makes have flashbacks to a time when it mattered a lot to me. I do miss it occasionally. It isn't that I don't care now. It's just not something I work into my schedule. It is expensive and time consuming.

But… I think it makes me feel bad about myself sometimes. I am not girly any more. I no longer have a closet full of pink everything and I am as pale as Napoleon Dynamite.  

And I wonder, am I alone?

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Are you scared?

In honor of Halloween creeping in, here are my top 2 true life scary stories...

Number One... I have always loved scary movies, the scarier, the better. I will give a best guess on the year, maybe it was 1988. I was around 12 or 13. We (Shawn, Teresa, Ginger, and me), decided to watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre at my house one night. I'm thinking this wasn't Ginger's idea, but she was a good sport. Of course, everyone knows the story of this movie, the crazy family was attacking people in the woods with a chainsaw. So, as we are right in the middle of this scary, gorey movie, the living room door flies open, chainsaw roaring! Before we knew what was going on, Ginger had taken a mad dive under the coffee table and the rest of us we scattering for our lives. When the chainsaw stopped, there was only one noise left, the laughter of my parents, who thought we needed a good scare.

Number  Two... This story took place when I was a little older, but my sister, Melissa and her friend, Crystal were about 14. Every once in a while, I would take them places with me. I cannot remember where we had been, maybe to see the original "Scream" at the movies. We were on our way home and this car was following us. The road to home was not lit. There were not many houses. It was kind of a scary drive at night when you were alone. So, this car was on our tail. All I could see is headlights. Knowing that we were lived on a dead end street and we were going home to an empty house, I made the big sister decision to circle around the mountain once, instead of getting trapped by this for sure "murderer" following us. As I sped up and rounded the corner, I lost the headlights. Of course, having two 14 year old girls in the car with me was a buffet of screams, omg's, and drama. Since we had lost the "killer", we headed back to the house. As we neared the dark driveway, there sat the vehicle, facing us, lights out. The closer we got, we realized it was coming towards us. All of sudden, the lights popped on in our face! We were screaming, freaking out! Crystal was yelling "I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS! I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS!" Then the truck door opened, and Cory got out, holding his stomach laughing. Crystal had already peed her pants. Good times.

If you have any true life scary stories, I would love to hear them.